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Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Al Reynolds trying to clear the air!

The man formerly married to ex-TV personality Star Jones is speaking up – and clearing up a few misconceptions while at it.

"I am not a homosexual," Al Scale Reynolds declared on his recently released YouTube channel, which stormed the Internet this week.

Obviously, the media savvy former banker is well aware that some unscrupulous bloggers loosely refer to him as "Big Gay Al."

And, according to him, it has maligned his professional reputation.

"It's really weird to me and it's really kind of upsetting to me that that's where people would go as it related to my sexuality," he explained. "This has affected my professional life. This has affected my personal life. And if anyone knew the damage that it has caused me, they would understand I am very aggressive about this."

The 30-something-year-old Virginia native said he wanted "people to know that I'm more than Star Jones' ex-husband - I'm Al Reynolds" in clip appropriately titled, "The Al Reynolds you don't know."

"I still very much love her," he told the 'Associated Press' in an interview. "I do. I can't lie to you."

And though approached by many media outlets for opportunities to trash her, he decided to honor their relationship by taking the high road. "I wasn't interested in participating in the sensationalism," he said.

SO WHAT DO YOU THINK: Is Al Reynolds gay? Yes or No