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Thursday, June 19, 2008

Angelina Jolie Records PSA for World Refugee Day!

Angelina Jolie has recorded a public service announcement for World Refugee Day on June 20, to help raise awareness about the plight of millions of people at risk. As emotive scenes of refugees flash on the screen, Jolie – who is a Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations Refugee Agency – explains what life is like for millions around the world. "They have survived war, they have survived displacement, they have survived rape, they have survived hunger and disease," say the actress (who is expecting twins with Brad Pitt this summer). "For those who have survived and for those who did not, we are thinking of you on this day." The clip will begin airing on YouTube, Facebook and on the UNHCR home page Wednesday morning. The actress and human rights activist is also planning to write an article for a major U.S. newspaper to coincide with Friday's day of action. (World Refugee Day will be marked by events worldwide: London's Trafalgar Square is being converted into a replica Darfur village, Rome's Colosseum will be lit with the refugee agency's logo, and, in Washington, D.C., Chicago Bulls basketball player Luol Deng will receive the Humanitarian of the Year award.) Jolie, 33, first became attached to the work of the UN's refugee agency during a February 2001 visit to war-torn Sierra Leone in west Africa, prior to filming Beyond Borders with Clive Owen.