Men can't help but stare at other women.
I was sitting here thinking about it one night, why do many women put up with men who cant treat them right. I came to a conclusion, from talking to the male species personally. I wanted to get their thoughts, please dont get upset,but I'm bout to expose their secrets!! Read carefully diva... WARNING Although some of these truths may not be pretty, they'll help you understand any man in your life
Men can't resist the tease.
There's no sexier surprise for your guy than when you dance seductively, slowly undress or wear lacy underwear — anything that stimulates him visually. This sexual tension drives him wild, because his mind races, imagining what's coming next. Feel shy dancing around in your bra? You should know that men don't notice your so-called flaws when you're turning them on. In this situation, your guy has a one-track mind, and it stays focused on how hot you are. So the next time you undress, take it slow. Toss your clothes at him as you go. That's all it takes to drive him nuts — in a good way.

It's true: They just can't control themselves. We're the same way when we walk by a window filled with gorgeous shoes — we have to look.
Men are big kids (and proud of it)
Deep down, all men are big ol' boys.Their interests are boylike, too. Take his obsession with sports. Most men love anything that involves kicking something, throwing things, or punching other men. Sound like 10-year-olds on the playground to you? Does to me. When you put three or more men together, they bond by yelling at the TV and being idiots to each other. Regressing into childlike behavior isn't just a means of amusing themselves — it's their way of escaping real-life pressures and feeling accepted as they are.
Men would love to cheat.
That doesn't ALWAYS mean they will, though!Hey, it's biology: They see, they want, they fantasize. Men are not by nature monogamous animals, and they often have to fight their sexual urges, which many do very successfully. If a guy could live his perfect fantasy life, he would have a wife and a new fling whenever he felt like it. (While women look for that one "special" guy, men look for those five "special" girls.) Fifty percent of men say that if there were zero percent chance you'd find out, they'd cheat. But that also means 50 percent wouldn't — even if there were no danger of getting caught. Many men say that when they've had the idea, they nix it because they wouldn't want to mess up the good thing they've got at home.
Men want us to worship them.

Every man has a bit of Donald Trump in him. They want us to think they're strong, successful, and sexy. Most men would never admit this, but they'd like to think they're slightly smarter than the woman they're with. Yet they have no problem with the woman being 10 times better-looking than they are (that strokes his ego even more). Ultimately, they'd settle for just being able to do one thing better than us.
Men love oral sex.

Oral sex has been very taboo in African-American culture up until recent. Now many women are doing this to keep their man happy, because if they don't their is someone else that will. I asked the men,"What do men want more of in bed?" Everyone I asked said oral sex.Specifically, they wanted to be on the receiving end. Why do they love it so much? They don't have to worry about technique, and we do all the work (they're kinda lazy). Guys say the best treat a woman can give them is oral sex in the morning. Forget eggs,bacon & pancakes — this is there idea of breakfast in bed.WHATEVER
Men dont take hints.(This is so true)

When men are with other men, they don't tiptoe around each other and drop subtle suggestions. That's because hints don't register with guys. We women pride ourselves on being able to know intuitively what our friends, husbands, and kids are thinking, but men have no interest in reading minds. That's why one thing I've learned from men is, "If you don't ask, you don't get." In relationships, I don't expect a guy to know exactly what I want — and whenever I do, I'm disappointed. If, for example, you want him to take you out for your birthday, you're wasting your time dropping hints like "Guess what day Friday is? It's someone's birthday!" If you do that, you'll be 80 before he takes you out. And while you're at it, don't hint about wanting a gift that's shiny and lasts forever: To him, you've just described a set of Emeril pots and pans, or even a grill for your mouth(MAYBE..LOL)
Men love their penises.

Man's best friend is actually his penis. And he assumes it's our best friend, too. After all, like a dog, it's always happy to see us, enjoys being petted, and often rubs itself against our legs. Some even have names..LOL Women don't make a big deal about what we have going on downstairs because we're too busy worrying about the size and shape of our other body parts. But men are obsessed with size.Bottom line: No matter how small it is, tell him it's huge. If it's too big, tell him just that. Trust me — he'll take it as a compliment.
Men dont understand VALENTINE'S DAY!

Most guys consider February 14 a "chick holiday." And it stresses them out: They don't know what's expected, what they should buy, and how much (or how little) they should express their feelings. They're not incapable of romance, they just hate being romantic on cue.Unfortunately, many men want to be reminded about the holiday. Alot of men celebrate the holiday to make u happy, and some men actually said they have ended their relationship because they did not want to buy their girlfriend a gift. SHOCKING HUH?
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